Welcome to Komaroo Leather Industry, Manufacturers and Exporters of Safety Gloves & Safety Wears    
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Safety Wears
  About us
Many thanks for having our brochure and we are heartedly thankful for all our respected customers who provided us nice co-operation and support to make it possible for us to be leader in safety wear Industry.

We are pretty sure that this brochure will provide you complete scenario of our products with all necessary information regarding craftsmanship, material & products.

As being one of Pioneers and largest manufacturers, A proud Milestone having long experience and producing best products in Safety wear Industry,

we understand that what kinds of high expectation our customers have from us and we fully take the responsibility to achieve the maximum Quality, for this we adopt all those measures which guarantee them 100% Satisfaction on Quality matters, Together with best quality and most suitable prices our customers can easily compete tough market competition and be winners.

Mr. M. Latif (Chief Exective)
Cell: 0092 300 8611651
Email: latif@klinds.com
Mr. M. Hanif (Sales & Marketing Executive)
Cell: 0092 321 7135051
Email: hanif@klinds.com
Mr. M. Shafique (Export Exective)
Cell: 0092 322 7379008
Email: shafique@klinds.com
CEO Message
Our first and foremost priority is Quality, That is why we confirm that we will not be beaten on Quality matters. We know that complete satisfaction of our friend companies is our success. Any of our product, itself is the true representative of our quality and we welcome new customers by inviting them to please take a look at our products first and than make any decision.
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